Monday, July 14, 2014

It's the closest village to Siem Reap, home to the Gecko Environmental Centre and is the launching pad for Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary -- that's all to say Chong Khneas sees more than its fair share of camera-toting tourists.

It's become a tourist trap, with a lot of pressure on people to buy things, from tourist knick-knacks to a can of Coke or postcards. When you're jostling among other boats carrying foreigners who are trying to pretend you're not there, the whole thing feels a bit contrived -- because it is.

It's not all bad though. If you do decide to visit Chong Khneas, be sure to visit the Gecko Environmental Centre, where you can learn a bit more about the lake and take a rest from refusing to buy some fake opium pipes.

If you don't have the time nor the money to visit the villages further afield, then you may as well take a look here, but be prepared for a touristy and at times frustrating experience.


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