Monday, July 14, 2014

The two that you're most likely to see sit between the Royal Gardens and the Royal Residence on National Route 6. The first, at the centre of a roundabout, and beneath a large tree is the shrine to Ya Tep. The shrine is believed to offer protection and good fortune in return for the chicken skins that pilgrims leave there. Nearby is the much respected shrine to Preah Ang Chek and Preah Ang Chom.

More traditionally styled wats can be found in Wat Bo, Wat Keseram, Wat Po Lanka and the very conveniently located, though not overly interesting, Wat Preah Prom Rath.

Wat Damnak, opposite Old Market, is worth a relaxing walk among the fragrant frangipani trees and is also home to an excellent research library if you're thinking of expanding your knowledge of Cambodia.

Wat Preah Enkosei, up north on the East River Road, is also home to the remains of an Angkorian temple, the closest one to Siem Reap town. This lively wat is attractive and the whole is worth a brief visit if you happen to be nearby.


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